Whoever said that taking pictures is a breeze was either mistaken or has been doing it for so long that he has mastered the real art of shooting those stills. Why did I say that? Well, just take a look at these photos below, 2 of which were taken by yours truly and I obviously have no idea how to shoot them right.
The first one is a clear example of a photo taken with a bad angle. I was trying my best to take the perfect shot but unfortunately, a group of people stood so close to the banner so I tried not to include them in the frame, to no avail. As you can see the subject of the photo was not centered, a foot sticking in and plainly, this was a bad shot.
Now this next picture blatantly shows what happens after several attempts at trying to take the picture of young kids. Just look at my youngest son, that was the most boring expression I’ve ever seen on his face:
This next photo shows what a failed jump shot looks like:
Some of us were not ready to jump yet, one is in the process of jumping and the other one has already landed on the ground. Bad, bad jump shot!
Thank God for new technological innovations like the Samsung ST700 because the bad photos you’ve seen can now be considered things of the past. The ST700 is the latest from Samsung’s 2View Camera Series. The camera has a dual screen feature at the front and back of the camera so it’s very easy to check if the picture you’re taking has a bad angle.
The camera also boasts of 2 additional features. First is the “Child Mode” where you can create or download a funny animated picture that would surely keep children entertained while you’re taking their picture.
The next feature is the “Jump Shot” which provides you with a visual countdown that’s visible on the front LCD so you’ll know when it’s the best time for you and your friends to jump high. The timer goes off before the camera takes 3 fast shots of you in your best jumping picture!
Click the photo below to check out the features:
I so want this camera! I need a portable and smaller one so this makes a perfect candidate. With this digital camera, I can finally say byebye bad photos!
How about you, what’s your experience with really bad shots? Share it with us!
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Pag-iipunan ko ito! I really like its features especially the two-view!
uu kase mahilig ka din kumuha ng solo shots mo hehehehhe… Thanks sis!
i like the dual lcd feature, so I can take pictures of my self too ahaha
ahahah isa ka pang adik sa solo and close up photos hehehe.. Thanks sis!
I like the features of this new samsung camera
Me too and I hope to have one next year. Thanks again!
This cam is ideal for me. Especially when I spin fire (poi) because usually, I don’t let anyone watch me. So that means–no one to take pics/vids of me ^_^ The 2 view feature helps a lot ^_^
ahahaha, then go and get it! But do let at least your friends take a peek of your photos 🙂
wow that 2-view camera’s cool! and i can use it as a mirror. i’ll save money to buy this one for my b-day.
This is really cool isn’t it? I’d also love to have one as a backup 🙂 Thanks!
Wow! This looks like a great camera, I would love to own this. I really like the dual screen feature, I would never take another bad photo again.