Philippine Fashion Revolution 2019: Philippine Weaves – Modern Katutubo

Philippine Fashion Revolution 2019
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Lovers of fashion, be ready! The Philippine Fashion Revolution is upon us. With less than a month to go, the world will soon be able to witness once more the beauty of Philippine Weaves fused with typical fabrics in this modern and digital word.

This revolutionary fashion show will be unlike any other fashion show that the Philippine audience has seen. With over 93 designers and 120 models showcasing the intricacy of the indigenous weaves from the different regions of the Philippines, it will be a must-see to view the different interpretations of the Modern Katutubo.

The Philippine Fashion Revolution aims to prove that cloth weaving as an art is not dead or dying. In fact, it is more alive than ever. No longer relegated or limited to indigenous tribes, woven clothing can now be worn by the modern Filipina.

It can be incorporated in office wear, cocktails, evening gowns, accessories, and even shoe wear. In fact, one of the rising trends in bridal wear is to have a piece of woven fabric as part of the veil or outer layer of a bridal gown. 

Philippine Fashion Revolution 2019

If you are a true lover of fashion and love supporting local products, the Philippine Fashion Revolution is a show that you simply cannot miss. It aims to parade designs that use quintessential fabrics infused with Philippine weaves to highlight modern Filipino Fashion.

Here’s a complete list of designers that will be participating during the Philippine Fashion Revolution.

Nina Corpuz, Ole Morabe, Pencil Diestra, Peter Lim, Pat Santos, Philip Torres, Rafael Gonzalez, Ronaldo Arnaldo, Unity Ong Tan Ka, Veejay Floresca, and Edgar Madamba.

They will be joined by Card Arcita, Bobby Syah, Bernard Escalona, Enoc Aliga, Fanny Serrano, Erjohn Dela Serna, Garvy Terrado, Francis Calaquian, Gener Gozum, Gil Granado, Happy Andrada, Jay Sustiguer, Jasmine Castelo, Harvic Dominguez, Jinggo Inoncillo, Julius Tarog, Joebee Henson, M Barretto, Joseph Palma, Mark Yaranon, Mars Silud, Michael Barassi, Mikaelah Michelle, Levenson Rodriguez, Dexter Alazas, Herbert Custodio, Kirby Cruz, Pristine De Guzman, Geoffrey Zordilla, and Mikee Andrei She.

Rounding up the list are Glenn Lopez, Gil Macaibay, Jennica Castro, Marjorie Lee Gumabay, Santa Emmanuelle, Richie Bondoc, Ray Lazaro, Roel Rosal, and Melvin Lachica.

Philippine Fashion Revolution 2019 Philippine Weaves

The show will be directed by well-respected Fashion Show directors Cata Figueroa Jr and Raymond Villanueva.

Philippine Fashion Revolution is brought to you by Lynn Bentsen Talent & Fashion Academy. If you need help in basic fundamentals in modeling, Lynn Bentsen Talent & Fashion Academy offers workshops on-ramp modeling, acting and many more. Call 7459533 and 09274276459 for more details. You can be a part of this fabulous event on September 22 and 23, 2019 at SMX AURA!

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