ALCATEL: Latest Mobile Innovations

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Last May 18th 2016, ALCATEL launched their newest mobiles and gadgets at Crowne Plaza. It was a sweet and successful launch coz many of the attendees went home with a big smile – talk about tons of giveaway prizes! Not only that, jaws dropped when products were displayed and the media got first dibs.

Alcatel: Latest Mobile Innovations

I remember way back in 1999 (i think), I bought my first ever mobile phone and it was a sky blue Alcatel Touch Easy Phone. Loved that phone so much and think I had it for 2 years before replacing it with a new one.

Alcatel: Latest Mobile Innovations

Through the years, Alcatel One Touch has presented us with better mobile phones and now, super affordable smartphones reverting to their old name just ALCATEL with a new logo and focus!

Let’s move on to the gadgets. I’ll let the images and specs convince you that Alcatel is one of the best if you are looking for affordable yet high quality game changer when it comes to smartphones and gadgets. Warning though, heavy images ahead!

ALCATEL IDOL 4S + VR: Flagship Smartphone

ALCATEL IDOL 4S + VR: Flagship Smartphone

Unique, finely crafted design, elegant looking with awesome features such as Boom Key which boom-ifies everything from sound to photos and gaming.


It has 16MP rear camera and 8MP from which makes taking selfies to a higher level. The innovative packaging design transforms into a pair of virtual reality goggles for a fantastic virtual reality experience anywhere and anytime.

Alcatel Idol 4S Specs

As of now, if you order the IDOL 4s, it comes with a complete package seen below!

Alcatel Idol 4S with VR Headset

ALCATEL IDOL 4S + VR: Flagship Smartphone

Alcatel MOVE TIME Track & Talk Watch (SW10)

Your kids will jump for joy with this new release from Alcatel! Parents will be at peace too because with this new innovation, they can track their kids and have peace of mind.

Alcatel MOVE TIME Track & Talk Watch (SW10)

Using a blend of GPS, GSM and WIFI, parents can locate their kids whereabouts within 60 seconds! It’s not just a fashion trend but also to keep in touch with your kiddos. They can reply and make calls too!

Alcatel Movie Time Track and Talk Watch Specs

Alcatel PLUS 10 (8085) + 4G LTE KEYBOARD

Alcatel PLUS 10 (8085) + 4G LTE KEYBOARD

Love this gadget coz it’s so portable, you know safely and easily bring it anywhere. Can be used as a laptop, for presentations or slides, connect to a hard drive, mouse, USB key or a even a secondary screen.

Alcatel PLUS 10 (8085) + 4G LTE KEYBOARD

This device is a perfect companion for frequent travelers as it’s light and can fit in a small bag. The double battery can last up to 8 hours long, enough to do some work while on the go. The detachable keyboard serves also as a WIFI hotspot which can connect up to 15 users!
Not only that, it also has a rear and front cam with flash for better lighting when doing video calls.

All the devices about will be available this June 2016 and prices will be revealed soon!

About Alcatel:

ALCATEL ONETOUCH, now rebranded as only ALCATEL is a brand within TCL Communication, an international multicultural company which designs, develops, and markets globally a growing range of mobile and Internet devices.

Simple, Unexpected, Down to Earth, Irreverent and Colorful. We believe in unique mobile technology designing our products around individual’s lifestyles.


Thank you ALCATEL for the wonderful opportunity to learn more about your brand’s history and new products!

Alcatel Pixi 4

Review of Pixi 4 up soon on this blog, please watch out for it! Thanks again, Alcatel! <3

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