Awesome Music from Jayesslee

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I’m a fan of these two lovely young ladies who call themselves – Jayesslee, a fusion of their names Janice and Sonia. They got fascinated with YouTube and uploaded their very first stint in 2008 with a messy bedroom as background. Since then, the duo continuously updated their YouTube channel with upbeat and popular songs.

Music from Jayesslee

The sisters live in Sydney, Australia and been doing a series of tours all over. It’s a pity I missed them when they went to Manila for a short tour. Would have been awesome to see them sing live.

Hubby was the one who actually discovered Jayesslee. He’s fond of watching different YouTube channels specially unknown guitarists. He came across the duo while searching and since then, we, including the kids became fans.

We love their rendition of songs like Payphone, Price Tag and Just The Way You Are among others. The kids always sing along with them during our weekend music bonding and hubby would sometimes get his guitar out as well as the guitar pickups to sing and play his own version. We always have fun when hubby’s home and I think the kids are turning to be great singers too!

Anyway, maybe some of you are not familiar yet with this duo, so here’s a recent fave and I know you’ll love them too! Enjoy!

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5 thoughts on “Awesome Music from Jayesslee

  1. First hearing of them. I just listened to one of their songs. They are great! I’ll have to download some of their songs….Thanks for sharing

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