Claire Danes’ Sexy Post Pregnancy Body at the Golden Globes

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She was the talk of the town, as she strutted on the red carpet at the 70th-annual Golden Globes Awards. Heck, even Joan Rivers of Fashion Police applauded Claire Danes on the show for her stunning and uber sexy post-pregnancy body. And she did all that a month after she gave birth to her son, Cyrus Michael Christopher Dancy!

Claire Danes' Sexy Post Pregnancy Body at the Golden Globes

Isn’t she fabulously sexy? She wore a beautiful red Versace dress with a sexy halter neckline and a sequined brooch. I love that she didn’t wear that much accessories, so all eyes were focused on the dress AND her awesome figure. She let her blond hair down with some relaxed curls at the bottom. She looked like a modern goddess!

I wonder how she did all that specially after gaining pregnancy weight and in just one month?! Thought she wasn’t that much gargantuan during pregnancy, she must have worked out with a trainer in preparation for the Golden Globes or else she won’t fit in that lovely gown. I wish she’ll reveal her secret and I’ll be applauding her more accompanied by my outstanding Zildjian cymbals, lol.

I was a fan a decade or so ago, but then she said something I didn’t like about a country. I know she’s a great actress or else she won’t bag that Emmy as a Best Actress for her role in Homeland.

Okay, dudes and dudettes, do you think she’s hot? Lemme know below….

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3 thoughts on “Claire Danes’ Sexy Post Pregnancy Body at the Golden Globes

  1. She does look good and I love the dress. The color looks nice on her. When I had my first baby I came home from the hospital weighing less than I did before I got pregnant. Maybe it’s genetics?

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