Essence of Christmas Celebrations

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Christmas is an important occasion celebrated by many all around the world, although not everyone believes about it. Some religions do not celebrate such occasion even if everyone around them enjoys the atmosphere of the Christmas spirit. Whatever we stand for, it is always good to remember why Christ came to Earth for all of us.

I’m really excited coz Christmas is fast approaching. This is the time when we are all gathered together; my family and relatives, to share God’s blessings on Christmas Eve or what we call “Noche Buena”.

nutcracker ballet Christmas ornaments

Usually, the younger members of the family takes care of the decorations after daddy has the Christmas tree up and stable . The kids were eager to help in designing; putting Christmas balls, Christmas lights, decorations and also the nutcracker ballet Christmas ornaments. Various decorations compete and flood the markets and stores everywhere especially when December starts to mark the calendar.

Christmas, as they say, is the time of sharing and giving. Just like the old culture, we are giving and receiving gifts during this time, which shows that we are sharing the blessings that we have. Besides, this is the core aspect of Christmas celebration – to give and receive. During this occasion, programs and activities are commonly conducted. There are many games for kids and many people are visiting every home to spread the love. Kids would sing carols and hope to receive anything from the people they sing for. This is an event truly awaited by all ages everywhere.

I remember when I was just a kid, I patiently waited for Santa Claus to pass by and give me his gift personally. But unfortunately, I never saw him. I would just leave a sock in our Christmas tree, just beside my favourite nutcracker ballet Christmas ornaments, constantly hoping that Santa will fill it up. I bet millions of kids will await his yearly return and all praying that their wishes will come true.

We should keep in mind that Christmas is a celebration of heart and soul. This is the reason why people give much attention to things that beautifies the event, may it be from the simple decorations like angels, snowflakes and stars, to live portrayal of Santa Claus – everything is done to make this celebration colorful and meaningful for our Almighty God and for ourselves, too.

We hope that your home will be filled with more memories and that you and your family may all be blessed for the upcoming year!

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2 thoughts on “Essence of Christmas Celebrations

  1. Amen!! It just bothers me that it is to be said Happy Holidays vs Merry Christmas. I so agree it is our Lord who gives us strength, and has given us this life we live.

  2. It’s a sad time for me. I choose not to celebrate. Sure, I put up lights and a tree. We don’t do the gift thing. It seems like that’s all people think about. Getting a present.

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