Thanks to the 30 wonderful bloggers, it’s time for Hump Day Giveaway once again but this time, you’ll get a chance to win $60 instead of $50! This week’s task is for Facebook Page likes which is super easy to do. Feel free to visit all the awesome blogs below once you’re done entering the giveaway. You can log on to Rafflecopter via your Facebook account, or your name and email (just make sure you’re Facebook is opened so you can easily like the pages).
Once you’ve liked ALL the pages (page to be opened through the Rafflecopter form), leave your Facebook Profile Name (not a Business/Blog Page) on the space provided for Extra Info after doing the task so we can verify your entry. It would be best if you enable us to see the pages that you liked in your info tab so we can announce the winner ASAP.
A note: Please join only on one blog/page. A maximum of 40 entries will be considered. If you have more than 40 entries, the host reserves the right to delete duplicate or fraudulent entries. Also, please use only one name and email address, or Facebook account for quicker validation of entries.
On the first mandatory entry, please write Samut-Sari referred you. You must complete the first 2 tasks before the others are enabled.
Thank you very much and good luck. By joining this giveaway, you agree to the Terms and Conditions on the bottom of the form. Contest is open all-day Wednesday, from May 2nd, 12:01am EDT to May 2nd,11:59pm EST (May 2nd, 12:01pm Philippine time to May 3rd, 11:59am Philippine time).
Make sure to come back to this page after liking all the pages to enter your credentials.
Write Samut-Sari on entry #1
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im joining and hope to win so I can buy my mom a presnt this coming mothers day ๐
Thanks for joining sis! Hope you win!
Thanks so much for the humpday giveaway!
Joining again here! ๐
Good luck to all of us!
Thanks again sis! Hope you get the pot this time!
Hi, thank you for this promo giveaways you’re sharing. I hope one of these days i can be one of the sponsors too. ๐
I like your blog, it’s very soothing to the eyes.
Hi Ane! Check out this post, you may be interested to sponsor – http://www.oneproudmomma.com/2012/04/giveaways-galore/. The background colour is actually irritating me lol, I just don’t have the time yet to change it.. Thanks!
joined. thanks to all the sponsors. =)
Goodluck, Michi!
Wow! This made my day exciting!
Did you join here Anton? Goodluck!
Thanks for the hump day giveaway. The money would be helpful for mothers day presents for grandma from the boys.
I hope granny will be happier this Mother’s Day.. Goodluck!
Goodluck to us!
Thank you for giving me the link, Sis. I just signed up to one of the upcoming promos. ๐ This seems fun.
That’s great! Hope we win din soon ๐