Impressive and Unforgettable Wedding Proposals (Infographic)

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Every girl wants to be proposed exactly what they see in the movies – so dramatic and will leave a memory that will never be forgotten. I for one, wished something extraordinary and it did happen, but that’s another story..

If you are a guy in the look out for wedding proposals that will surely get a positive result, then check this infographic below.

Wackiest, Weirdest & Wonderful Wedding Proposals |
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26 thoughts on “Impressive and Unforgettable Wedding Proposals (Infographic)

  1. My son is about to propose to his girlfriend; He’s quite a character so I know he will love these ideas! cute and funny ideas, not to mention daring!

  2. I think the proposal is the most important part in the engagement! It’s something a girl will always remember! She will share this with friends and family!

  3. These are cute if the girl like those areas. I think it’s great when the proposal is worked into some hobby or event the girl likes…and when she least expects it!

    CINDY B on rafflecopter

  4. At our Christmas Eve Party our son(very shy) proposed to his girlfriend in front of 30 people. He even got down on one knee…..not a dry eye in the house….they just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on Friday. She is the most wonderful daughter in law and a joy and we are all so lucky to have her in our family. They are awaiting baby #2 due next week!

  5. The crossword puzzle one would have got me. I LOVE puzzles! But of course, my husband took me to a waterfall and gave me the ring. Which I knew he brought along cos he told me. LOL!

  6. These are so cute! however, at the end of the day it is the heart behind the proposal: my husband proposed by walking into our kitchen on my birthday and asking me if I wanted to go to city hall to get a license. Nothing “exciting” or dramatic, but I will always remember it!

  7. Some guys, and gals, go over the top when they propose. It’s really nice. I just cringe when a guy proposes in public and the girl says no.

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