Kate Middleton Returned Free Kardashian Clothing

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There were reports that Kim Kardashian sent the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, some free clothing from their Kardashian Kollection. But, Kate sent the gift back. Now, the question is, why would the Duchess send them back when it’s given for free? Well, not that she can’t afford designer clothes coz she’s been seen wearing them most of the time, but just imagine her wearing the Kardashian trademark, if you get my drift.


If the story is true, why would Kim do such a bold move? It’s not like she’s sending a golden eagle that cannot be refused. I mean, I know some designers do this, send free clothes to popular personalities, but, would a future queen wear body hugging outfits? I’m sure you’ve heard and seen, that the Kardashian Kollection is basically the image of the 3 sisters, Kim – Khloe – Kourtney. Which also means that the clothes are sexy, tight fitting and provocative. It’s their style and we can’t do anything about it. It does look great on them but I’m a woman and I don’t like seeing my husband drooling over a photo of any one of them. Sorry, no pun intended.

The way I see it, Kate didn’t mean to be rude by sending the items back. But, it’s just not her style. True, that she’s been seen wearing signature clothing of highly acclaimed designers, but those clothes project respect, class and style. I don’t mean that the K Kollection doesn’t have style, but it ain’t fit for a queen.

I’d wear any of their sexy jumpsuits if it will look great on me. But, I’m not royal though I should be respected. But then, I don’t think all men will respect me once they see me in one, coz I ain’t that sexy.

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6 thoughts on “Kate Middleton Returned Free Kardashian Clothing

  1. It could be the name as well. You can’t equate the Kardashian name with names like Chanel, Armani, Diane von Furstenberg, Vera Wang, etc. When I hear the Kardashian name fashion is not the first thing that comes to mind.

  2. When I hear the name Kardashian I don’t think fashion, and Kate Middleton probably doesn’t either.

  3. I think it’s all copy cat stuff. i like the Kardashians but think they are over rated. Her pregnancy clothing was a bit out there!!

  4. I’m far from royalty but I wouldn’t wear those either. It’s just not my person style. No, I don’t think she was being rude. She just has good taste. If as you say it’s even true.

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