Are you still looking for a budget-friendly smartphone packed with awesome features? Here’s a short review of LG Q6 which I totally enjoyed using while watching my fave Netflix series because of its big screen that I can hold with just one hand!
Since the selfie craze started, I always take a few shots of myself when I’m properly dressed or out of the house. More so with a new phone in hand, it’s a custom to check first if I’ll be pretty enough to include it in the review hehehe

Of course, a food shot is not to be missed because people nowadays are always taking photos of their food before eating them.

Seemed like great quality photos for this particular LG smartphone. I hate bringing my DSLR to events and haven’t used it for a long time now, so I must have a phone that shoots awesome photos for my blogs.
What I like with the LG Q6 is the Face Recognition feature which allows me to just show my face on the screen and it will automagically unlock. Saves me the time when I’m in a rush. Sorry, forgot to take a photo so I can show you. But, all features can be found here.
Next is LG’s exclusive Square Camera where you can combine 2 photos for a Snap Shot, multiple photos for a Grid Shot, overlapped images for the Guide Shot, and Match Shot where you can merge 2 different photos to become 1 image.
Here are a few samples below.

There are tons of other features which I’m pretty sure you will like with the LG Q6 smartphone and for only Php12,990 SRP!
To know more about this mobile phone, please visit LG Philippines at or their social media pages on Facebook –
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