Trouble Finding Women’s Plus Size Clothes?

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I have to admit, at my age and body shape on the borderline of regular sized and plus sized clothes (I really don’t wanna divulge which size I am exactly, lol), it’s difficult to hunt for apparels that would fit me in a not so awful way. This goes the same when looking at online stores, be it local or international.

It’s such a shame when I have to attend some formal occasions and have nothing decent to wear. Mind you, I’m not that fat, but sometimes, the mirror reflects otherwise hahaha.

Women's Plus Size Clothes

So, how can I find something that fits yet budget-friendly? Here are some tips:

  • Watch out for sales, closing outlets, inventory clearances and whatever discount you can think of.
  • Subscribe to your fave online stores so you’ll be informed once they have sale items
  • Check if the store is part of a huge chain of one parent company, coz the other satellite websites might be on sale too.
  • Compare prizes. The other store might be offering the same item you want but way cheaper
  • If you are going to wear certain clothes just once or a few times only, don’t buy those expensive ones coz that’s not practical
  • Use coupon codes! Many websites offer coupons on particular items and who knows, your target is on a discount. So, hunt for those and you can definitely save a ton!
  • If you are looking for plus size prom dresses under $200 or any other on occasion clothes, the trick is, don’t buy them in season. You know you are going to have the prom next year, so buy it while it’s out-of-season or pre-season. This way, prices are dropped so you can get the dress cheaper.
  • Local stores usually have a separate rack of plus size clothes. Make sure to ask when the clearance sale will be so you can take that advantage.
  • Buy clothes that can be mixed and matched. This way, you can wear them over and again.

Being a full-figured woman is a burden especially if most of the trendy clothes doesn’t fit you. But, with careful planning, you can also wear your desired clothes at a cheaper price.

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