Oh, I so love bags and my husband can attest to that, hahahaha! I’ve been collecting since I was single though married life and motherhood stepped in and I had to cut back on SOME unnecessary luxuries (*wink). But, a woman knows that a bag is an extension of her personality, for some it’s a fashion statement, others would say it completes an ensemble or can’t go out without it. I, on the other hand is guilty of all those reasons hahaha.

Photo: Image courtesy of khunaspix at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A woman’s choice of a bag and the way she carries it easily conveys her mood for the day – fierce, elegant, haughty, dark, demure, loyal or playful.

Via Venetto, the artisanal shoe brand known for its fatto a mano (handcrafted) masterpieces, presents finely crafted bags in fabulous designs, materials and textures that perfectly captivate a woman’s ever-changing personality.

Feeling fierce? Go for the luxurious metallic gold hand bag that’s guaranteed to turn heads and dominate the scene. Feeling down-to-earth and demure? There’s the cocktail bag with bamboo handle latch, which gives off an aura of elegance and modesty.

Finally, let them hear you roar with the fine selection of rich crocodile leather – from avant garde gold, deep red and luscious brown to no-nonsense tones of elegant beige and toned-down tan – that show off your mood as you step out into the world.

Go for the piece that complements your personality, spice it up with a good attitude and the confidence that says you can definitely rule the world.

Visit Via Venetto stores at Greenbelt 1, Alabang Town Center, Trinoma and SM Megamall. For inquiries, you may contact them at Phone: 63 28926334; Telefax: 63 2 8432725; or visit http://viavenetto-phil.com.

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