Please welcome my newest blog to the blogosphere!
I wanted to buy this domain for a long time and at last it became mine just last September. I bought it for only $5.99 at NameCheap using a discount code. Originally I’m waiting for “samut” to expire but I think the owner will renew the domain though the blog has not been updated for a long time now.
I used to have a boutique here inside our village and I named it Samut Sari. That was way back 2003 up to 2007, unfortunately nature called and I had to close it down because I got pregnant and was on bed rest the whole nine months. is my 3rd blog and I don’t know yet if this will be a niche blog or mixbags. Stay tune and I will be posting regularly (I hope,lol) here as soon as I finish filling up the layout.
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Sounds like a mixed bag to me! Congrats Mommy on your third blog!!
Welcome to your new blog!
congrats sis sa new blog mo….
Thanks sis! 🙂
I look forward to reading your blog!